Communication Skill Building

Communication Skills
Communication is central to every relationship. Over the years, it has become evident how crucial effective communication skills are to women’s empowerment. Many women avoid speaking up because they do not like confrontation, are afraid of hurting others’ feelings, or because they want everyone to like them. Some women may attempt to speak up but do so in an indirect manner, asking questions rather than making statements.
As girls are taught from a young age that being too outspoken will make them a “b*tch,” it is not surprising why communicating indirectly is common among women. However, it often forces the listener to guess what the woman really means to say. This can be very frustrating for both parties.
Download my Free Guide on effective communication skills, “Say What You Mean.”
Learn and Practice Direct Communication Skills
When I work with a woman on communication skills, the first thing we do is identify a situation where she would like to speak up, but is having trouble doing so. I ask her what she really wants to say. We then refine it into something that truly expresses her message. We shorten it to make it concise and to the point. Then, we practice saying it together until she is confident to say it to the appropriate person. During our next session, we will discuss how it went, how she feels, and how we can possibly improve her approach for next time.
The more she practices effective direct communication skills, the easier it becomes. Her self esteem improves and she is equipped to clearly say what she needs to.
Saying No and Setting Boundaries
Some clients struggle with setting boundaries and saying “no.” In our work, we delve into the past to understand why this is so. Oftentimes it will be due to others repeatedly violating her own boundaries; as a result, she may not feel entitled to personal space or know how to properly set and maintain boundaries.
Boundary setting goes hand in hand with self worth. When a woman understands her worth, it is easier for her to honor her own boundaries, knowing the importance of respecting herself and those who care for her.
A woman who sets healthy boundaries is equipped to readily command what she wants and to be taken seriously, improving her overall efficacy in life.
What My Clients Say
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161 W. 54th Street, #203
New York, NY 10019
Business Hours
Tuesday to Friday: 11AM - 7PM